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Browse by Number
EM - Early Modified
LM - Late Model
SM - Supermodified
1 Allison, Donnie (LM)
1 Hood, Hooker (SM)
5 Cooper, Ival (SM)
V6 Lindley, Butch (LM)
7 Cooper, Ival (SM)
9 Hood, Hooker (SM)
12 Allison, Bobby (LM)
16 Lindley, Butch (LM)
22 Allison, Bobby (LM)
22 Cooper, Ival (SM)
30 Cooper, Ival (SM)
41 Simmons, Buck (LM)
44 Cooper, Ival (SM)
45 Cooper, Ival (SM)
57 Cooper, Ival (SM)
80 Allison, Bobby (SM)
81 Simmons, Buck (LM)
88 Allison, Bobby (LM)
88 Allison, Donnie (EM, LM, SM)
88 Cooper, Ival (SM)
99 Hood, Hooker (SM)
248 Cooper, Ival (SM)
312 Allison, Bobby (EM, SM)
312 Cooper, Ival (SM)
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